California Real Estate License Requirements: Everything You Need to Know to Obtain Your Salesperson License

Understanding California real estate license requirements is the first step if you want to become a real estate salesperson, agent or broker.

This post will give you a complete overview of all the steps involved and if you’re in a hurry, we strongly recommend you grab our FREE Step-by-Step Guide to obtaining your license as well.

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Before we look at the steps involved in becoming a California real estate salesperson, let’s look at WHY this career is a profitable one, both financially and emotionally.

Why Become a Real Estate Agent

The benefits of becoming a real estate agent are many but for the sake of this post, we’ll focus on the top 5 reasons why being a real estate salesperson is SO awesome:

Reason #1: Set Your Own Hours

One of the biggest benefits of becoming a real estate agent is that you can set your own hours. You’re not ruled by the 9-5 rat race. Oh no, you aren’t! You can work 4 hours in a day when the kids are at school or you can work 2 hours in the morning and 5 in the evening or you can do the 9-5 routine if that’s what you love. It is totally up to you. Doesn’t that feel amazing?!

Reason #2: BYOB or Be Your Own Boss

Being a real estate agent or salesperson means you not only get to decide your work schedule but you also get to decide who you want to work with as a broker or client. You decide your marketing methods. You decide what your business values and vision will be. You are your own boss, my friend, and that leads to the third benefit of becoming a real estate salesperson.

Reason #3: Enjoy Enviable Work-Life Balance

Yes, you enjoy work-life balance that can put any corporate job to shame. You can take that vacation when you want to. You can take weekdays off. You don’t have to worry about requesting for leave or sick days or family time. Being your own boss means you give yourself a day off when you want to. Work-life balance is no longer a myth but a reality for you!

4. Review and Recap Quickly with Ready Reckoners

The best part about being your own boss is that you decide how much you want to grow your business and how you want to grow it. You aren’t limited in any way by a salary ceiling or position. You can set the bar as high as you’d like and aim for the stars!

Reason #5: Build Relationships and Make Dreams Come True

Most importantly, as a real estate agent, you build relationships with clients and of course, others in the real estate community.

You also make dreams come true by finding the perfect house for your clients.

With a solid work ethic and excellent customer service , you not only cement your relationship with your client but earn solid goodwill and publicity from them as well.

Want to know more reasons why becoming a real estate agent ROCKS?

Pop your details below for that FREE Step-by-Step guide and you’ll discover more benefits and of course, get access to the complete California real estate licensing roadmap as well! PLUS, you’ll get additional Study Tips and Exam Rules as well!

Click here to get access to our free Real Estate Licensing Guide!

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The California Real Estate License Requirements for a Salesperson or Agent

Okay, now that you know the benefits of becoming a real estate agent, it’s time for you to understand the steps and license requirements. To become a California real estate salesperson, you need to:

1. Take THREE 45-hour courses approved by the California Department of Real Estate.

The 3 courses include the following: 1) Real Estate Principles – 45-hours 2) Real Estate Practice – 45-hours 3) One Elective Course – such as Finance which is the elective we offer at Affinity – 45-hours These are MANDATORY pre-licensing courses and you can take them either ONLINE or in-person. At Affinity, we offer BOTH online AND in-person pre-licensing courses for California salespersons .

2. File your Salesperson Application

Once you’ve completed the pre-licensing course, you need to file your Salesperson Application. You can opt for the Salesperson Examination Application or a combined Salesperson Examination and License Application. We recommend you file the latter since it reduces processing time. You’ll also have to pay a $60 application fee.

3. Prepare for and take the exam

Once you’ve taken your pre-licensing courses, we recommend you double up on your preparation for the State Exam by taking a Prep Course as well. The prep class will help you dig deeper into different concepts and understand them completely so you’re 100% confident when you take the exam. You also get flash cards, practice quizzes and more to help you master the material. Again, at Affinity, we offer both ONLINE and LIVE prep classes to give you the additional advantage needed to ace these tough exams. When you go to take your exam, you can only take your Government-issued photo ID with you. The State exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions with a passing grade of 70% . You’ll get your score as soon as you finish the exam.

4. Fill out and sign RE 237

Once you’ve passed the exam, you’ll have to fill out and sign 3 copies of RE 237 (Live Scan Request) and hand over all 3 copies to a Live Scan service provider. You’ll also have to pay a $20-$40 rolling fee and a $49 fingerprint processing fee to the Live Scan service provider. Once your application is received and approved, the Department of Real Estate will mail your license to your sponsoring broker. If you don’t have a sponsoring broker, your license will be mailed to you as a non-working status. That’s it!

The best part is if you’re well prepared for the State Exam (which is the MAIN step!), you’ll fly past everything else. So, start preparing right by choosing the best pre-licensing class for California real estate salespersons. And don’t forget to get your FREE step-by-step guide that includes additional Study Tips AND Exam Rules as well. That’s it!