How to Prepare for a Tutoring Session
Tips for a Successful Peer Tutor Session:
- Submit a request for peer tutoring using the button above.
- The Office of Academic Success or a peer tutor will respond to your request via email with 48 business hours. Please make sure to use your SN email address in your request.
- When submitting your tutor request please make sure to provide your goals for the session. These can include understanding a particular topic better, help finding a better study strategy or tips for preparing for the exam.
- Please make sure to provide time ranges, not specific times you will be available. For example, a time range of M/W/F from 6-10 p.m. is more helpful than Monday at 5 p.m.
- Before your session make sure you have all of your materials ready. This can include class notes, the textbook, slides from class, and any learning aids you might have created (concept maps etc.). It can also be a good idea for upper level students to have their Sherpath open to share EAQ results with the tutor.
- Be prepared to answer questions and explain what you’ve tried to far. Tutors are trained to ask questions to gain a better understanding of your concerns, strategies you’ve tried so far and ensure to your questions have been answered.
What to Expect From A Tutoring Session
Successful students know that an early, proactive, tutoring approach is a key to success in the nursing program. Tutoring is a great way to address gaps in your knowledge as you are learning material.
- Successful students know that an early, proactive, tutoring approach is a key to success in the nursing program. Tutoring is a great way to address gaps in your knowledge as you are learning material.
- Students should prepare for a tutoring session by writing down questions in advance and having materials including class notes, slides, articles, adaptive quizzing or textbooks available.
- Find a quiet place for your tutoring session with minimal distractions. This will help keep you focused during your one hour tutoring session.
- Know how you learn. There is a good chance you may learn differently from your tutor. Be prepared to try different strategies.
Tutoring Evaluation Form
Your feedback is important to OAS. Please complete a Tutoring Session Evaluation after meeting with a tutor.