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Learn how to build apps for mobile devices on Cloud platforms The marketplace for apps is ever expanding, increasing the potential to make money. With this guide, you'll learn how to build cross-platform applications for mobile devices that are supported by the power of Cloud-based services such as Amazon Web Services. An introduction to Cloud-based applications explains how to use HTML5 to create cross-platform mobile apps and then use Cloud services to enhance those apps. You'll learn how to build your first app with HTML5 and set it up in the Cloud, while also discovering how to use jQuery to your advantage.Highlights the skills and knowledge you need to create successful apps for mobile devices with HTML5Takes you through the steps for building web applications for the iPhone and AndroidDetails how to enhance your app through faster launching, touch vs. click, storage capabilities, and a cacheLooks at how best to use JSON, FourSquare, jQuery, AJAX, and moreShares tips for creating hybrid apps that run nativelyIf you're interested in having your application be one of the 200,000+ apps featured in the iPhone store or the 50,000+ in the Android store, then you need this book.

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Beginning Mobile Application Development in the Cloud


Reviewer: Dan Emanoil Grigoras

The high penetration of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets offers customers many possibilities in terms of digital apps "on the move." However, these devices have, and will always have, limited resources compared to multicore servers and data centers or clouds. Not surprisingly, many people see the convergence of mobile and cloud computing as an important trend in information technology (IT) evolution. Indeed, mobile devices can become flexible and "always with me" clients to cloud services. This development will create a huge potential in terms of apps supported by the new architecture of the so-called mobile cloud. Rodger adheres to the mobile cloud idea. The book is a practical manual for developing mobile apps in the cloud for iPhone and Android platforms. In this respect, it is more about using existing technologies that facilitate a quick transition from Web programming to mobile cloud apps programming. The central idea is that people interested in developing mobile apps don't necessarily need to learn new programming languages such as Objective-C or Java; instead, they can use simpler ones such as Hypertext Markup Language 5 (HTML5) and JavaScript. From the beginning, Rodger explains the difference between mobile Web apps and purely native apps, but opts for hybrid native apps that offer the advantage of portability and the ability to access local resources. This kind of app is dealt with in detail throughout the text. The book is well illustrated with programming examples, from very simple examples at the start to more complex examples at the end (a social media mobile app). Rodger covers all aspects, from creating the programming environment to selling mobile cloud apps. Of particular interest is Rodger's use of the Amazon cloud system in his examples. Details on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) services and how to access them are well presented and used. The way concurrency is implemented in nodes by event handlers might be interesting for many people. The book is excellent in many respects and could become a useful guide to programming mobile cloud apps quite quickly. It is easy to read and doesn't require a lot of prerequisites-just an open mind and determination. Of course, people with some programming background will enjoy a shorter learning curve. Online Computing Reviews Service

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