Another trend in professional standards applies to pharmacy technicians. This entry-level pharmacy position can be one way to work in your field while you go through the steps required for licensing. However, it is also becoming more professionalized and requires its own licensing, including proof of education and/or testing (see the Other Careers and Credentials section for more information).
Please note that if your foreign pharmacy degree was granted after January 1, 2003 and is a 4-year program (not 5), then your licensing path is different than what is described in this section. You should contact the New York Education Department – Office of the Professions directly for orientation.
The process to become a licensed pharmacist in New York State based on foreign education involves the below series of steps that must be taken in the following order. The steps are highlighted here and discussed in further detail following the outline:
Details on fees and links to specific application forms can be found on the NYSED-OP website. These steps to becoming a licensed pharmacist in New York will each be discussed in turn below.
The purpose of the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC) Certification is to document the educational equivalency of your foreign pharmacy education. To be considered for FPGEC Certification, you must have graduated from a recognized school of pharmacy in a non-US country or a US school that is not ACPE accredited. If you graduated prior to January 1, 2003, you must have completed at least a 4-year pharmacy curriculum at the time of graduation. If you graduated on or after January 1, 2003, you must have completed at least a 5-year pharmacy curriculum at the time of graduation. All candidates must hold an unrestricted, permanent license, registration, or both as required for the practice of pharmacy in the country where the pharmacy degree was earned. Candidates who cannot provide evidence of such are not eligible for the FPGEC Certification. The Certification process is outlined below. For the most current fees and requirements, refer to the most current FPGEC Application Bulletin on the NABP website.
1. Complete your FPGEC Application, pay application fee, and submit documentation
2.Prepare and take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT). The TOEFL iBT and other exams are discussed in more detail in the Tests section below.
3. Wait for NABP evaluation of your application with supporting documents, which may take up to 8 weeks. Once the NABP approves your application and notifies you of your eligibility to take the FPGEE, you may then schedule and take the FPGEE.
4. Take the FPGEE. You have two years to take and pass the FPGEE from your acceptance date. The FPGEE and other exams are discussed in more detail in the Tests section below.
After completion of the above steps and receiving passing scores on the TOEFL iBT and FPGEE exams, your FPGEC Certificate will be mailed to you. You can then begin the process of applying to be a registered pharmacist in New York.
You will have to apply for an initial registration for licensure with the NYSED-OP. Your licensing application will require completion of Form 1 (Application for Licensure and First Registration). The link to Form 1 can be accessed on the NYSED-OP website. This online application takes you through submission of fees and upload of additional documentation, including a copy of your FPGEC Certificate.
In addition to submitting your credentials to the FPGEC, the State of New York also requires receipt of your credential documentation directly from your home institution. NYSED-OP will review your documents by standards that can be different than those you have met through the FPGEC certification process.
If the NYSED-OP finds deficiencies in your degree, you will need to learn if you can meet the deficiencies by taking non-degree coursework or whether you must enroll in a NABP-accredited US PharmD program.
Once your application is complete, you will be approved to take the NAPLEX exam.
The North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) can be taken once the NYSED-OP has received your initial licensure application and approved your credentials. Once the NYSED-OP determines that you are eligible, it will mail you the Authorization To Test (ATT).
The NAPLEX and other exams are discussed in more detail in the Tests section.
A 2,080-hour clinical training program is required of all foreign pharmacy graduates in the State of New York. You must obtain an intern permit before engaging in the supervised practice of pharmacy in New York State.
You will need to find your own internship in a hospital or retail pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist licensed in New York, and the time that you spend in the internship must satisfy the definition of an approved clinical training program. You can use more than one internship to satisfy the program requirements. Additional requirements can be found under Experience Requirements on the NYSED-OP website.
Your internship hours must be documented and reported using Form 4 – Certification of Completion of an Internship in Pharmacy – which can be found on the NYSED-OP website. Use one form for each internship you complete.
You may be granted credit for internships completed in other states, if the internship meets New York State and the other state’s requirements as verified on Form 4.
You do not have to be Pharmacy Technician to complete your internship as a Pharmacy Intern. However, getting a Pharmacy Technician authorization first can have some advantages – these are discussed in the Other Careers and Credentials section.
Once your internship experience has been submitted and approved, you will be eligible to take the two remaining exams prior to licensure. They are the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam (MPJE) and the Compounding Written and Practical Exam.
The Compounding Written and Practical Exam is exclusive to New York State and is a requirement unless you are a licensure candidate who has completed a formal, approved pharmacy practice residency program – in which case an alternative certification can substitute for this exam requirement.
Information about registering for these tests, plus a quick look at their content, is discussed in the next section under Tests.
Once you have successfully passed both exams, the New York Board of Pharmacy will make a licensing decision.
As a foreign pharmacy graduate you must take five tests during your New York licensing process:
You must pass the NAPLEX, the MPJE, and the Compounding Written and Practice Exam within five years.
Testing sites: the tests are administered by computer-based testing companies with many centers, dates and times available to take your tests. Since these companies give many different kinds of tests, however, space can fill up – so it is best to set up an appointment soon after you get permission to schedule your test.
Testing day procedures: you need to carefully read the instructions for what identification and materials are required and allowed on your testing day. There are security controls, sometimes including having your picture or fingerprints or palm vein scans taken. You will also have limited breaks during the test. It is very important to arrive at least a half hour early for your test. If you arrive late or do not go to the center at all, you will have to pay to reschedule.
The TOEFL iBT is the sole English language proficiency examination accepted for candidates seeking FPGEC Certification. The TOEFL iBT must be completed by all foreign pharmacy graduates, even those who are native English speakers. The TOEFL iBT is considered a high-stakes exam for prospective pharmacists; therefore, the test must be completed in a secure testing environment within the US. If your application is submitted on or after January 1, 2020, you must pass the TOEFL iBT before being accepted to sit for the FPGEE. The TOEFL iBT score report must be submitted along with the other required documentation. You must complete all four sections of the TOEFL iBT in one testing session with passing scores as follows: Reading – 22; Listening – 21; Speaking – 26; Writing – 24.
You have two years to take and pass the FPGEE from your acceptance date. The FPGEE is a 4.5 hour exam comprising of 200 questions. The passing score is 75. One test date is offered annually, usually in October. This means that it is especially important to schedule your appointment as soon as you receive an ATT. The FPGEE tests four content areas:
To prepare for the FPGEE, candidates can take the Pre-FPGEE, which is the official practice exam available for purchase online.
The North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) tests the central knowledge you have gained in your education as a pharmacist.
To register for the NAPLEX, you will need to fill out an online application. You can apply and pay NAPLEX the test fee. However, you will not receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) notice until the NYSED-OP has told NABP that you are eligible to test. The ATT contains instructions on scheduling your exam, and it is valid for only one testing session. NABP strongly recommends scheduling your exam(s) as soon as you have received your ATT letter by email. If your eligibility period expires prior to scheduling an examination appointment, you will forfeit all fees and must begin the application process again, including paying the application and examination fees. A detailed breakdown of the application steps, including answers to common questions, can be found in the Candidate Application Bulletin on the NABP website.
The NAPLEX is a 6-hour exam composed of 225 questions.
NAPLEX tests six content areas:
The NABP encourages candidates to take the NAPLEX online practice test, called the pre-NAPLEX. It contains questions that were used on older tests, and the computer program works under conditions similar to the real NAPLEX. The pre-NAPLEX can be taken up to two times.
The MPJE tests your knowledge of pharmacy jurisprudence requirements of individual states.
The MPJE is scheduled and administered by the NABP. After you have submitted your completed licensure applications (Form 1 and Form 2) and completed your internship, the NYSED-OP will inform you that you are eligible to take the MPJE. You will apply online at and pay the testing fee to NABP ( not to the NYSED-OP). Once NABP mails you the Authorization to Test, you will be able to set a date and time to take the MPJE at one of their testing centers.
The MPJE is a 2.5-hour exam composed of 120 computer-based questions. The exam uses adaptive technology to deliver selected-response questions. The exam results will be reported as pass or fail, and candidates are allowed five attempts to pass the exam.
The MPJE tests 3 content areas:
The NABP website contains a detailed content outline, Pre-MPJE (the official practice exam) available for downloading, and the Candidate Application Bulletin with test day policies and procedures. . You can find all of this information at
To be admitted to take the Compounding Written and Practical Exam, you must meet all the eligibility requirements for taking the MPJE.
You can register for the Exam online, view testing instructions and review a sample test at
The Exam is administered twice a year:
You will be required to submit documentation of 1040 internship hours (Form 4) by the above deadline in order to be admitted to test.
The Exam is three hours long and electronically administered. The approximate Exam composition is as follows:
You can find more details about the Exam at
Successfully licensing as a Registered Pharmacist in New York depends on a number of factors, including:
Working as a pharmacy technician can be one way to gain experience and earn a living in your field while you complete the steps required for licensing. You do not have to be Pharmacy Technician to complete your internship as a Pharmacy Intern. A Pharmacy Technician is an entry-level staff position in a hospital or retail pharmacy. It usually earns an hourly wage and requires only limited pharmacy education.
Becoming a Pharmacy Technician can have some advantages:
Registering as a Pharmacy Technician includes showing proof of some types of pharmacy education, plus an application packet, which you can find at
Pharmacists must meet continuing education requirements of 45 contact hours (at least 23 hours live) every 3 years. The education must be given by a provider approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education or the Pharmacy Foundation of New York. As of September 1, 2003, the 45 hours required must include at least 3 credits (home study or live) of formal continuing education on strategies and techniques to reduce medication and prescription errors.
All pharmacists licensed on or after August 1, 2007 must meet the continuing education requirement during their first and future registration period.
You must also renew your license every 3 years. The New York Board of Pharmacy sends a notice reminding you to renew your license, so be certain to keep your contact information up-to-date with their office. If you let your license expire, you will have a much more complicated process to restore the license.
State and national associations for pharmacists provide opportunities for professional development and networking. They also help set acceptable working conditions for the profession and give information and opinions on policy in New York and across the US. Their websites may offer useful orientation to pharmacy candidates about the licensing and examination process, including test preparation. They often provide continuing education to members as well.
The Important Links section has more information on these associations. There is a large variety of specialized professional associations for pharmacists based on workplace, specialty, ethnicity, gender, or religion.
The State of New York does not have any reciprocal agreement to honor the pharmacy licenses of other states. New York grants licenses to candidates either by examination (the process described in this topic) or endorsement (where a pharmacist already licensed in another state must independently meet all New York requirements for licensing).
Make sure your foreign degree is likely to be accepted by the FPGEC before you start the certification process. Your degree will not be evaluated immediately, so you may lose valuable time and resources preparing for and even passing the FPGEE, only to learn later that your degree disqualifies you.
If you graduated after 2003 from a four-year pharmacy program, you will have to return to school in the US and complete requirements for a PharmD degree. Your foreign degree could count for a significant amount of transfer credits or for placement in a special advanced standing program. State your case with more than one pharmacy school and share your credential evaluation. It is possible that one school may grant more credits than another.
Be your own advocate throughout the licensing process. Seek clarification about questions and concerns directly from official sources. If you feel your degree has been misinterpreted or you do not understand a fine point of the state regulations, organize your questions and contact the NYSED-OP for help.