OMA and FOIA Electronic Training Now Available on PAC’s Website!

E-learning and Online Education for Student and University Concept. Graphic interface showing technology of digital training course for people to do remote learning from anywhere.

The Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor (PAC) provides the required electronic training for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officers, and Open Meetings Act (OMA) compliance for elected and appointed members and OMA Designees. Due to a ransomware attack on the Attorney General’s computer network, electronic training has been unavailable since April 2021. The PAC’s website is back up and running again – including the OMA and FOIA electronic training, but the process is slightly different based on the PAC’s new security enhancements.

If you need to take the OMA or FOIA training, you will need to register to the new site. You can access the site and register at: Look to the top righthand corner for the link to register and to login to the training portal.

The following individuals should complete the training as soon as possible:

Once completed, please provide the certificate of completion to the designated individual for your respective public body. Questions may be directed to any Robbins Schwartz attorney.