Where a workplace has a collective agreement(s), union members are employed under a collective agreement(s) rather than individual employment agreements.
If you are a union or employer, you must submit a signed PDF copy of the ratified collective agreement and any other document referred to or incorporated into the collective agreement (unless publicly available) to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
You can submit these using the Workplace Online Portal. The portal is a secure way for you to submit collective agreements, variations and other related documents directly to MBIE for storage in the central repository.
Being employed under a collective agreement means that your union negotiates the terms of your employment on your behalf, including things like pay scales and leave.
You can request a signed copy of a collective agreement from either your employer or your union.
Your employer must give you a copy if:
A collective agreement is the formal employment agreement ratified by union members and signed by the union and employer after collective bargaining. The agreement sets the terms and conditions of employment of union members whose work comes within the coverage clause of the agreement.
Non-union members may bargain collectively with an employer or employers, but their negotiations can’t end in a collective agreement, only identical or very similar individual employment agreements.
Other than the above requirements, the parties decide what’s in the collective agreement, unless the Employment Relations Authority is asked and agrees to fix the terms of agreement.
The employer and the union need to keep a signed copy of the collective agreement and provide a copy to employees when they request it. The employer must also give a copy of the collective agreement to the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment.
Collective agreements may include:
Collective agreements state the date that they come into effect. They may state that different parts of the agreement come into effect on different dates. If there is no date stated, it comes into effect on the date the last party signs it.
A collective agreement expires on the earlier of its stated expiry date or 3 years after it takes effect, with some exceptions.
A collective agreement continues until the earlier of 12 months after expiry, or until it is replaced, if the union or the employer starts bargaining before its expiry date.
An individual bound by a collective agreement may also agree with their employer to have additional individual terms and conditions. Any additional terms and conditions:
If the employer is offering individual terms to the employee, the employer must negotiate in good faith and the employee must be given time and opportunity to seek independent advice in the same way as when an employer is offering an employee an individual employment agreement.
If the collective agreement that an employee is bound by expires, or the employee resigns from the union, they will be employed on an individual employment agreement based on the collective agreement and any individual terms.
If a collective agreement has been renegotiated, it must be ratified by the union members who are covered by the coverage clause before it can take effect.
If the collective agreement isn’t ratified, the proposed agreement will not be final or binding on employers, employees or unions. This may mean bargaining has to continue around the unresolved issues. If the new collective agreement is not agreed before the old agreement expires, employees go onto individual employment agreements on the same terms as the collective agreement.