The Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook (HCSB Edition) is designed with an awareness of the obstacles people have to understanding the Bible. It begins with an essay on "How to Read and Study the Bible" before proceeding to chapters that provide a thorough overview of each of the Bible's 66 books, summarizing each one's content, author, evidences of authenticity, and historical context.
In addition to the full-color maps, photographs, reconstructions, and charts that equip readers throughout the volume, there's also an article by Jeremy Howard (general editor of the award-winning HCSB Study Bible) explaining how each book of the Old and New Testaments was accepted into the Bible.
“To a church fascinated by wisdom and power, Paul declares Christ to be both the power (1:18, 24) and the wisdom (1:21, 24, 30) of God.” (Page 376)
“There is no persuasive reason to deny that Simon Peter wrote this epistle. The date of 67 is a best guess, determined by noting the strong tradition that Peter died during the last part of Nero’s reign (ruled ad 54–68).” (Page 458)
“The focus of 1 Corinthians is pastoral theology occasioned by real problems in and questions from the church at Corinth. Although the church was gifted (1:4–7), it was equally immature and unspiritual (3:1–4). Paul wanted to restore the church in its areas of weakness. The letter begins by dealing with the problem of those who bring division to the body of Christ (1:11–3:4).” (Page 374)
“Further, this book emphasizes that God saves only those individuals who believe in Christ’s death (1:21).” (Page 377)
“apostle wanted to arm them with true knowledge as opposed to the heresy that was threatening them” (Page 458)