10 Grants for Professional Teacher Development in 2024

Teachers constantly seek material and resources to enhance their lessons and connect with students. But finding innovative ways to spark engagement can be expensive. Schools have tight budgets, meaning most teachers are having to fund new supplies from their paychecks. Often, paying for educational dynamic initiatives is beyond a teacher's means.

Thankfully, grants and other funding sources are available to help teachers realize their vision.

Grants for Teachers

Teachers who want to help their students reach success can find funding assistance through grants, fellowships, and scholarships. These are available from various sources, including state and federal government, private companies, and charities.

Teaching grants are made available for different purposes and endeavors, such as:

List of Grants for Professional Teacher Development

There are numerous professional development grants for teachers to enhance their work for their schools and students. We've highlighted eight for you to consider.

1. FirstEnergy Education STEM Grant Program

Amount: Up to a $1,000

FirstEnergy awards one-time grants to educators looking for more innovative and resourceful ways to bring STEM into the classroom. The money is to be used on teacher professional development in STEM or new, not-previously funded individual STEM classroom projects. The grant is typically awarded in October, with an application deadline in late summer or early spring.

To improve your chances of being awarded the grant, the innovative project should:

2. Emerging Teacher-Leaders in Elementary School Mathematics Grants

Amount: Up to $6,000

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) oversees the annual Emerging Teacher-Leaders in Elementary School Mathematics Grants. Applicants are for math teachers working in PreK-5 who have at least three years' experience and are current NCTM members. The deadline is in November.

Funds from the grant may be used for:

3. Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program

Amount: Up to $8,200 per month living stipend, $5,000 for travel, $1,000 educational allowance

The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program is open to K-12 STEM teachers with at least 5 years of experience. Those selected spend 11 months working in US Congressional offices or Federal agencies to provide feedback and input on education programming, policy, and reform. Applications are due mid-November.

Accomplishments from past recipients include:

4. Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program (Fulbright TGC)

Amount: Year-long professional learning opportunity, 2-3 week trip abroad

The Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program is a unique opportunity for K-12 educators to learn more about global education. The year-long professional learning opportunity is broken into sections:

Applications are due near the start of the year and are eligible for teachers who meet the requirements :

5. Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Fellowships

Award: around $50,000 (Award amount may change each year)

The Knowles Teaching Foundation Fellowships are a 5-year award for high school math or science teachers. The award provides grants for classroom material, professional development, and sometimes for leadership activities that go beyond the classroom.

Half the funds may also be used as an annual stipend to assist teachers in reducing debts sustained from their education and providing classroom material. Applications are usually due in early January. See full eligibility requirements here .

6. NEA Learning & Leadership Grants

Amount: $1,500 – $5,000

The NEA Foundation provides annual educator grants to teachers or educational support professionals, such as school bus drivers, custodial staff, and school nurses. Grants can be used to support various projects or professional development, including:

The NEA Foundation also provides a helpful video on how to apply for grant funding. Applications are typically between June and September.

7. The Grosvenor Teacher Fellow (GTF) Program

Amount: Field-based Experience, Lindblad Expedition Voyage

The Grosvenor Teacher Fellow Program is through a collaboration between The National Geographic Society and Lindblad Expeditions . It provides Pre-K-12 teachers the chance to host Lindblad Expeditions' voyages for field-based experience. They will then make a 2-year commitment to be ambassadors for National Geographic's education initiatives.

Ambassadors may be required to:

The 2024 itinerary includes:

Applications are generally due in early January.

8. The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation

Amount: Up to $10,000 per year, maximum $20,000 over 2 years

The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation provides academic enrichment grants each year. The money may be used for programs that nurture the artistic, creative, and intellectual abilities of children of low-income households.

They especially encourage teachers to apply who:

The foundation accepts a maximum of 200 submissions a year between January and April, so apply early.

9. Fund For Teachers Fellowship Grant

Amount: $ 5,000 for individuals, $10,000 for teams

Fund for Teachers has been empowering teachers since 2001. In that time, $35 million has been invested in nearly 10,000 educators. They offer various grants throughout the year, such as their Fellowship Grant . Applications for the 2024 Fellowship open October 1 st . Their online learning center also provides an application toolkit to assist educators with their application.

10. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

Amount: $1,500 to $24,000

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) provides grants, scholarships, and awards to help math teachers and prospective educators. The opportunities vary, from funding research focus endeavors, professional learning, teacher professional development, using music to teach math, equity in mathematics, and tools and technology.

Opportunities run throughout the year. Popular closing dates are May 1 st and November 1 st . Eligibility depends on the specific grant or scholarship.

CEU and Professional Development

Continuing education for teachers (CEU) is mandated by states to renew and retain their licenses. One CEU typically translates to 10 hours of approved professional development or continuing education. How many CEUs a teacher needs depends on the state they work in and the type of license.

In the past, many school districts arranged professional development opportunities for their staff to ensure all CEU requirements were met. However, tight budgets have meant that teachers have increasingly had to take on the responsibility of their professional development and ensure they have enough CEUs to maintain and renew their licenses.

In addition, many high-quality teachers pursue professional development to ensure they can enhance and uplift their teaching. In our modern, fast-paced world, staying up-to-date with students' needs is an increasing challenge. Expanding resources, skills, and knowledge is crucial for teachers to succeed in the classroom and inspire.

Avoid These Mistakes When Applying for Your Grant

Every year, foundations are flooded with grant applications. To rapidly reduce the pile, applications containing obvious mistakes are not considered. Many teachers make these unfortunate errors due to being rushed or in their eagerness.

Our research has revealed the most common mistakes made in grant applications. Go over the list carefully to avoid these pitfalls and increase your chances of success.

Get Funding to Grow Even More as a Teacher

Grant funding allows teachers to grow, benefiting the students they teach. Many opportunities are available, from life-changing adventures to providing desperately needed materials for a classroom.

However, grants are not easy to get. It takes time to fill out the forms, write the pitch, and gather all necessary documents. But trying to cut corners results in errors, and applications are tossed out of consideration. It's better to focus on a few and give them the proper research and attention than hastily filling out many.

Grant applications take time, research, and focus, but their rewards are high. Simple K12 is always here to help you try to reach success, whether it's answering questions or providing assistance with a grant application.