Choose from the following to learn how to apply and start taking classes at any of the Los Rios colleges!
If it's been more than one semester since you've taken a class at Los Rios, then you need to re-apply.
Follow these steps if you are only interested in taking a few classes at Los Rios Community College District.
You are considered a continuing (or current) student if you were enrolled in classes at a Los Rios college during the most recent semester. Steps for Current Students
Each of the Los Rios colleges offers pathways that group of similar areas of study to help you narrow down your interests and decide on a major.
HomeBase Pathway Communities are dedicated spaces where students pursuing related programs have personalized access to a team of counselors, peer mentors, coaches, and faculty liaisons. Explore American River College's HomeBases to learn about your options. HomeBases at ARC
Meta-majors are groupings of similar areas of study designed to help you narrow down your interests and decide on a major. Exploring meta-majors will help you pick the right classes and complete your educational goals on time. Meta-Majors at FLC
Careers and Academic Communities are a collection of degree or certificate programs that lead to related occupations, courses, or have similar learning objectives. CAC are designed to help you find a program of study that aligns with your educational and career goals. CAC at CRC
Meta Majors are groups of degrees and certificates that are similar. Exploring Meta Majors will help you have less uncertainty about requirements, do an intentional exploration of careers within a general field, and receive wrap-around delivery of services such as counseling and tutoring. Meta Majors at SCC
PathwayU is a free tool for current and prospective Los Rios students to explore where their interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences intersect with career fields and programs of study available at Los Rios Community College District. Start by completing the simple PathwayU assessments and see where the results take you! If you have a student ID and password, then you can log in to PathwayU and get started today. Get Started with PathwayU If you do not have a student ID or password, then we encourage you to apply to Los Rios Community College District today. To access PathwayU as a prospective student, create a PathwayU account using your personal email account.